About 2 weeks ago our team of back-end developers visited the tenth edition of PHPBenelux. After attending quite a few talks over the 1,5-day conference we’ve highlighted three of them that we found most interesting. First, Kevin will tell you about Frank de Jonge’s talk concerning event sourcing. Vincent will highlight the talk about Symfony’s new messenger component by Tobias Nyholm. Last, I’ll share some key points made by Ike Devolder in his talk about defensive programming.
Piño the debugger is your friend. He’s the guy who will check if somebody (cough cough) didn’t fill in a unique meta description for the page, or forgot to fill in the alt tag for an image. Piño won't just help out developers though, also their friends, family, forgetful colleagues... Let's take a look at how and why he was build.
If you have read our previous article "Webpack Encore under the hood", you will now have a good understanding of what Encore is and what it does.
Let's put that knowledge to good use and set up a modern JavaScript workflow.